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Test Code/Test Code(eng)

AppointmentCommandService Class - Test Code

by brightGarden02 2022. 11. 11.

I wrote test code per one class.

I chose AppointmentCommandService to write test code.

Before wrtting test code, I put data in database.


I classified into 3 categories in one method.

"given, when, then"


given: something is given.

when: something is done.

then: verification



void appointmentStatusTest() throws Exception {

    Appointment appointment1 = appointmentRepository.findById(1L).get();

    appointmentCommandService.updateAppointmentStatus(appointment1.getId(), AppointmentStatus.COMPLETE);


given: Appointment is given

when: use method to change appointmentStatus to COMPLETE

then: verify appointmentStatus is equal to COMPLETE




void updateAppointmentTest() throws Exception {

    Appointment appointment = appointmentRepository.findById(4L).get();

    String newDateStr ="2021-11-28 09:40:00.000";
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    LocalDateTime newDate = LocalDateTime.parse(newDateStr, formatter);



given: Appointment is given. newDate is given.

when: use method to change date to newDate

then: verify appointment.getDate() is equal to newDate




Now I am going to test for appointment progress.

The appointment progress is divided into 3 levels.

1. Check if the appointment date time is in 10-minute increments

void appointmentCheckRightDateTest() throws Exception {

    AppointmentFormDto appointmentFormDto = new AppointmentFormDto();

    LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(appointmentFormDto.getDate());

    assertThat(date.getMinute() % 10).isEqualTo(0);

given: AppointmentFormDto is given

when: setDate AppointmentFromDto, bring LocalDateTime date

then: verify date.getMinute() could be divided by 10




2. Check if newInputDate is in hospital's opening-hours

void appointmentCheckHospitalTimeTest() throws Exception {

    AppointmentFormDto appointmentFormDto = new AppointmentFormDto();
    String inputDate = appointmentFormDto.getDate();
    LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(inputDate);

    Hospital hospital = hospitalRepository.findById(1L).get();

    String inputDateHourMinute = date.getHour() + ":" + date.getMinute();

    DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = date.getDayOfWeek();
    String timeOfHospital = hospital.getOpeningHours().split("/")[dayOfWeek.getValue() -1];
    String[] times = timeOfHospital.split("~", 2);

    assertThat(inputDateHourMinute).isBetween(times[0], times[1]);

given: AppointmentFormDto is given, Hospital is given

when: make just hour and minute. make hospital's opening-hour in string array.

then: verify inputDatehourMinute is between start-opening-hour and close-opening-hour




3. Chen when someone has already an appointment

void appointmentWhenAlreadyAppointmentTest() throws Exception {

    Doctor doctor = doctorRepository.findById(6L).get();
    AppointmentFormDto appointmentFormDto = new AppointmentFormDto();
    String inputDate = appointmentFormDto.getDate();
    LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(inputDate);

    Optional<Appointment> appointment = appointmentRepository.findOneByDateAndDoctorId(date, doctor.getId());


given: Doctor is given. AppointmentFormDto is given.

when: bring Optional through date and doctorID

then: verify appointment is present



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AppointmentQueryService Class - Test Code  (0) 2022.11.10

